
Serene Splashes!

Serene has been launched! On June 9th, she was lowered into the water in La Rochelle, France.

You can see the video on our Sailing Serene Youtube channel:

We'll have more updates soon. For now, we are in La Rochelle for about another week, and we hope to take the boat out sailing in a few days.


  • Anamary

    Yay, so exciting! Looking forward to a video tour of the inside!.

  • Rigo

    Amazing! I loved the video. Super exciting. Let the fun and sailing begin!.

  • Davina

    Wow. Looks amazing! Congratulations! Nice voice over too! .🙂.

  • Senor Blanco

    Loved the video so much I went back to watch it again, but now the account is down. No bueno :-( Bring back Serene!.

  • Nance

    Youtube account terminated?? Wtf congrats on the launch. Sunny skies, smooth seas and juicy blogs. Arrrrgh.

  • Anonymous

    So excited for you both - can't see the video but know there is more to come - happy sailing❤️.

  • Rainer

    Hi, we are Corinna & Rainer, owner of Excess 14 #23 Geronimo. It would be a pleasure for us to get in contact with you. kR Rainer

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